Sunday, June 6, 2010

Vote DO IT!

Hey,you yeah you!you have got to vote on my blog now on weater you favor turtles,frogs,lizards and other.There are only two more days left to vote so................VOTE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mississipi Map

First of all DO NOT be mistaken a Mississippi map is ACTUALY a spieces of turtle! Wierd name for a spieces of turtle huh? Mississippi Maps are light broun turtles with black sort of spikes along the top of the back.The first time my mom ' Eli a got you a Mississippi Map ' I was like WHAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I actualy though she ment she got me a map of MISSISSIPPI! ) . But when she told me what she got me was a turtle I WAS LIKE ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My turtle Webster

This is the story of my turtle Webster, he (we actualy do not know if he is a boy or a girl because he is too young ) is a Missisipi Map. He (or she ) is a light broun colour and has black sort of spikes. He can grow to about the size of a dinner plate . He ( or she ) eats live crickets, cale, dried shrimp,pellets, and belive it or not brocolli, ( he lovessssssss! brocolli! If you hold a dried shrimp in the water he ( or she ) will bite it out of your hand. Some times I let him (or she ) walk around on the carpet!